Effective marketing is all about being able to best target the specific market that will offer the most profitability. In the world of B2B businesses, this means knowing how to reach an audience of business owners and C-suite professionals. Needless to say, that will involve more than just the usual marketing channels. Here are some of the tools you should consider using to make sure you hit the mark.
Working With the Right Agency
A marketing agency will help you set the tone, the language, and the visuals of your marketing campaigns, as well as helping you set the budget in the right places. To that end, because the wants of B2B clients are so different, as are the methods by which you’re going to reach them, then you should look for a B2B marketing agency to ensure that you’re relying on those with experience in reaching them.
Know Where They’re Networking
Social media has been one of the biggest driving factors in online marketing and that’s no different when it comes to B2B clients. They’re as likely as anyone to hop on Twitter, but there are also areas where you’re more likely to reach them specifically, where fewer brands are competing for attention. Marketing on LinkedIn, the social media channel built around professional networking, can greatly increase your ability to target them directly.
Know Where They’re Listening
Radio and audio broadcasts, both on the airwaves and across the net, are an effective way to reaching people, especially professionals. A lot of professionals listen to podcasts and shows targeted at them while they’re commuting and while working. As such, if you learn how to advertise on Sirius XM and other channels that target this specific market, then you’re more likely to get heard by them. Audio has the advantage of being more engaging than visuals or written content alone, too.
Know Where They’re Reading
Business owners and C-suite executives tend to read more than the average person. They pay attention to industry-specific publications, as well as more general business news, for both news and tips, as well as solutions to specific problems. Getting your service mentioned in high-profile online publications, as well as industry-specific print magazines can put you directly in front of the eyes of the people most likely to want to use your services.
Hit Their Inboxes
Professional clients spend a lot more time checking their emails than the average consumer. If you’re able to get a hold of their email, work on creating high-quality email newsletters and offers that are designed to start funneling them to the point of conversion. You don’t need to finalize the sale in the email, it just needs to be good enough to get their attention and good enough to get them to click the next step.
Reaching your audience is one thing. Making sure that the message lands is another. Ensure that your messaging is well suited to the needs of business owners, targeting commercial needs, especially if you’re used to targeting consumers, instead.
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